
His Serene Highness’s long term Vision and fundamental Principles are encompassed by five words, namely – “People-Principality-Performance-Prosperity-Peace”

It is His Serene Highness’s goal to

Goal 1: create a real innovative self-developing self-sustaining sovereign and independent economy;

Goal 2: create a non-complacent fresh innovative center for continual promotion of culture, scientific research & discovery, education advancement & enrichment to all residents;

Goal 3: rule & lead by example; along the lines of Imagination, Illumination, Intuition and Inspiration and guided by the principles of trust, integrity and industry with confidence, which is the only methodology & model to uplift the Human Spirit to a higher plane of wellness and contentment;

Goal 4: bring about a modern renaissance to the Principality, turning it to a model for ecological awareness, financial acumen, and good, fair, just and equitable, stable governance, to the benefit of its citizens and residents, and to the world at large;

Goal 5: continuously remind all the people of Principality Monte de Agrella (visitors & their neighbors) to perpetuate the adoption of the ethics and moral code behind the fundamental Principles encompassed by the five words, namely: “People–Principality–Performance–Prosperity–Peace”;

Goal 6: encourage his people to do today what others leave for tomorrow – time is of the essence and tomorrow is promised to no one;

Goal 7: build up a people and country of dignity and self-pride, based on uncompromising trust, results, and our Princely House’s practical motto of “imagination, integrity, and industry”;

Goal 8: promote a culture of health, tranquility and wellness – natural elements (earth-wind-water-fire-quintessence) that compound nature for which all human beings strive – to live in harmony and peace…

Thought provoking statements & observations of our endeavour for the day

• A Modern State and its Government proposes original thought, leadership, and insights that delivers unique, practical perspectives, and industry results. This is where our Specialistic Economy and Government intersect – our Princely House’s practical motto of Trust and Results is “Imagination, Integrity and Industry”…

• It has therefore been said of this Principality that…trust, integrity, competence, and innovation are increasingly interdependent, in a virtuous cycle (curbing complacency) that inevitably and ultimately lifts performance and fuels legitimacy.

• The point is not simply to collect more data, more feedback or to search out more expert opinion… The point is not just to know more but to act better in the right spirit and lead by example.

• The search for solutions for better policy and improved public services demands a capacity for rapid learning and innovation for large-scale collaboration and shared power, and for new patterns of engagement with a more complicated and rapidly evolving mix of interests and people outside of government.

• Increasingly, modern government has to adjust to a world in which power, authority, and the capacity for impact is a function of the way people connect to share ideas, knowledge, and commitment.

• The people and the expertise that can contribute to good policy and service design outcomes will be anywhere and everywhere. Often, they won’t be in large institutions or traditional organizations, private, public, or community. They are most often original ideas whispered by our individual children – our only hope to a realistic and sustainable future…

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